Card of the week 533

Jane Smith
19th Sep 2024
60 mins

This weeks card of the week is a card for those of you who like to make smaller cards using the fantastic Joy Craft! Trees and Village Landscape Borders set

1. Prepare the C6 Card Blank:

  • Start with a C6-sized blank card (approximately 4.1 x 5.8 inches or 105mm x 148mm).
  • Ensure your workspace is clean and organized, with all materials close by.

2. Create a Tree Stencil:

  • Take the tree die and cut it out from a piece of cardstock. This will create off cuts, which you’ll use as a stencil (off cuts shown above).
  • Place the off cuts of the tree die cut over the area where you want the tree design to appear on your C6 card.

3. Colour in the Green for the Trees:

  • Using green ink or any colouring medium of your choice, carefully colour inside the off cuts of the tree die cut, making sure to fill in the shape of the trees.
  • Once you’re satisfied with the shading or intensity of the colour, remove the stencil. The tree silhouette should now be visible on your card.

4. Ink the Background with Blue:

  • Take the actual tree die cut (the one you cut earlier) and lay it over the green tree area you just coloured.
  • Using blue ink, gently ink the surrounding area around the trees to create a sky effect. Be careful not to over-ink, so the trees remain clear and distinct against the blue background.

5. Cut Additional Trees:

  • Using two different shades of green cardstock, cut out the tree shapes from the tree die once more.
  • These trees will be layered onto the card to add dimension and depth. Set these aside for now.

6. Prepare the Houses and Hills:

  • Using the house die, cut out the house shapes twice from white cardstock.
  • Take one set of the white houses and carefully snip off the houses from the die cut, leaving just the outline of the hills. This will act as a base layer for the landscape on your card.

7. Assemble the Bottom Row of Trees:

  • Position the trees from the green cardstock along the bottom section of your card, creating a layered effect.
  • If needed, snip off a couple of the trees to fit them into the gaps between other elements, so they appear naturally spread out and not crowded.
  • Adhere these trees to the card using glue or adhesive.

8. Layer the Houses and Hills:

  • Take the white houses and the snipped hill layer you prepared earlier.
  • Position the hill outline on the card first, ensuring it overlaps with the bottom row of trees slightly for a natural landscape effect.
  • Next, adhere the white houses above the hill, aligning them for a neat and cohesive look.

9. Add Pearl Dimensional Embellishments:

  • To finish your card, add pearl dimensional embellishments, such as liquid pearls or pearl stickers, to give it a polished and elegant look.
  • Place the pearls strategically, such as at the tops of trees, along the houses, or in the sky to represent stars or snow.

10. Let It Dry:

  • Allow any inks, glue, or pearl embellishments to dry completely before handling the card.

Optional Step:

  • If you’d like to add any additional decorations, such as glitter, ribbons, or sentiment stamps, now is the perfect time to do so!

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